Saturday, September 29, 2007


On my canvas you must paint the following. Remember it's mine not yours.

It has to have orange, yellow, green, red, and deep almost brown purple. Good, those are the leaves.
Now I would like some grey, with white. That is for the clouds.
If you could blur those two together then that would look like wind blowing blizzard lizards, only they'd be leaves and rain, not snow.
Now for some brown, to build a bench.
Please put and old man on that bench, he has to be old, but not frail. He has a cane, the leg had an issue with a blunt axe.
If you could put a red kite in the sky I'd appreciate it. If you think so too, a white tail for the kite.
And only if you have the time, do you think you could put a little boy at the end of that kite?
He would look standing beside the old man and sort of leaning against the bench. But only if you have enough paint.
The young boy is also wearing a very large scarf, evidently the university scarf of the old man.
Thank you very much for painting that for me. Oh who am I in the picture, well no one, but I'd like to be the old man.

1 comment:

MamaMonk said...

Hey Sam!

Thanks for the Conblogulations. Fun--

Do you have pictures from your trip? We were thinking it'd be fun to have you over for dinner to hear more about your trip and to possibly see pictures, if you have them.

Keep blogging!

peace out--
