However, I have run into a slight dilemma. I have a fair amount of choice and I'm an indecisive creature at best.
This might help someone understand my predicament.
We have:
8 boxes of Earl Grey (Harrods, Stash, Williams and Magor, Jacksons of Piccadilly, oh and Harrods #42, dear lord St. Dalfaur, oh found yet another Dilmah, holy freaking smokes Edinburgh Tea and Coffee Company)
4 boxes of Chai Tea; white, red and black( Stash, Western Family, Celestial Seasonings, and President's Choice)
3 boxes o Morning Tea (2 are Harrod's and Jacksons of Piccadilly)
2 boxes of Afternoon Tea ( Harrods, and Jacksons)
2 box and bag of Yorkshire Tea (Family Tea Merchants)
2 tins of Camomile Tea (unidentified and Tetley's)
3 boxes of Green Tea (some japanese and Reward)
2 boxes of Honey Citron (Celestial Seasonings)
1 box of Sleepytime (Celestial Seasonings)
1 bag of Mango Darjeeling Black Tea (Celestial Seasonings)
1 bag of Rutherford Rose (Acquired Taste)
1 box of Kiwi tea (Yogue)
1 box of Christmas Morning (Stash)
1 box of Assam Tea, hey that's me (Harrod's)
1 box of Lemon Zinger (Celestial Seasonings)
1 box of Wild Jumbleberry Herbal Tea (Compliments)
1 box of Empire Tea (our favourite, Harrod's)
For a grand total of 35 containers of tea!
Please forgive me for not looking at the back of the cupboard or in other cupboards. I also didn't have the heart to count individual tea bags.
I think I'm allowed to say, we are steeped in Tea.